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Ron Kurtus' Healthy Aging Credentials

Ron Kurtus' credentials for providing information on health are as follows:

Ron is not a physician and does not prescribe medical advice. Instead, he explains various medical issues and usually recommends viewers to seek medical help from qualified doctors.

When he was younger, Kurtus wanted to become a physician, but he decided to go into physics and mathematics instead, where he could use his logical problem solving abilities more effectively.

Ron graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and did graduate work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Missouri. He taught at the Milwaukee Area Technical College, Waukesha County Technical College, and University of Missouri.

Kurtus worked for a number of years doing scientific work at various companies, including developing infrared sensors for weather satellites for the Santa Barbara Research Center, testing electro-optical systems for Hughes Aircraft Co. and managing the development of laser space weapons for the Air Force’s Strategic Defense Initiative programs.

Keeping his interest in physical health, Ron used his technical writing skills to research medical documentation and then explain the various aspects of health in an easy to understand manner.

Kurtus has also written two books: Gravity and Gravitation: Derivations, Equations and Applications and Tricks for Good Grades: Strategies to Succeed in School.

Material he has written has also been cited in 151 published books.


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