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Ron Kurtus' Animal Health Credentials

Although Ron Kurtus is not a veterinarian, he has done extensive research into aspects of animal health. The research discipline is part of his scientific background.

Kurtus majored in both Mathematics and Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He did his graduate work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at the University of Missouri. He then taught at the University of Missouri, the Milwaukee Area Technical College and Waukesha County Technical College.

Kurtus worked as a Medical Admissions Clerk for the U.S. Army at Irwin Army Hospital at Ft. Riley, Kansas and at Letterman Hospital at the Presidio in San Francisco.

He also worked for a number of years doing scientific work at various companies, including the Santa Barbara Research Center, Hughes Aircraft Co., and the Air Force’s Strategic Defense Initiative programs.

Kurtus has written two books: Gravity and Gravitation: Derivations, Equations and Applications and Tricks for Good Grades: Strategies to Succeed in School.

Material he has written has also been cited in 151 published books, including Physics textbooks and a book published by NASA.



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