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Astronomy Resources
by Ron Kurtus (updated 16 November 2022)
The following consists of websites and books on Astronomy.
Topic list
- General Astronomy
- Guides
- Observatories and photos
- Telescopes and Home Observatories
- The Moon
- Black Holes
- Books
- My books
Use these resources to help your understanding of Astronomy.
General Astronomy
Astronomy - Wikipedia
Space Facts - Scientific, historical and cultural facts about the Solar System
Planet Orbits - From Space-Facts.com
Galactic Facts - Interesting facts about Astronomy
Back Garden Astronomy - Get family involved
Astronomy and Space Websites - From EDsmart.org
Backyard Astronomy - Guide for homeowners and famlies
Constellations Mythology - From HalloweenCostumes.com
Astronomy for Kids: Introductory Guide - From GiftedGeek.co.uk
A Guide On Looking Through Binoculars For Stargazing
Parents Guide To Teaching Kids About The Solar System
Card game showing aviation and space flight history - Solitaired.com
Astronomy Resources for Kids - Good list
Observatories and photos
Northern Lights - From Michigan Tech (mtu.edu)
Top Astronomy NASA Photos Of All Time - From TheHubPost.com
Top Public Observatories - From PublicRecordsReviews.com
Telescopes and Home Observatories
Telescopes on a Budget - Information on buying and using a telescope
Best selling Telescopes
- Amazon.com
The Moon
Facts About the Moon - From NASA
The Phases of the Moon - TimeandDate.com
Moon Phases Visualized - TimeandDate.com
The Moon - Information and statistics from Russian version of American website
Why Is The Moon So Bright? - From NightSkyPix.com
Black holes
Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars by Robert Nemiroff - explanations and MPEG movies showing how things look from NASA (most computers can show these short animations)
(Notice: The School for Champions may earn commissions from book purchases)
General Astronomy
Top-rated books on the Universe
Top-rated books on the Solar System
Top-rated books on Orbital Motion
Top-rated books on Earth Astronomy
The Moon
Black Holes
My books
Use these resources to get further information on the various Astronomy topics. If you have some good Astronomy links, let me know about them.
Research the sky
Students and researchers
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Astronomy Resources