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Mini-Quiz: Strange Life of Lee Harvey Oswald: Childhood

by Ron Kurtus (updated 19 January 2022)

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. Why didn't Lee seem to like his brother John?

John was much taller than Lee, making him feel inferior

Possibly because John had a different father

Lee liked John; it was Robert that he didn't like

2. Why did Oswald often skip out of school?

He had trouble writing school assignments and didn't seem to fit in

He was often too tired because of he also had a full-time job

The teachers marked him absent, even when he was in attendance

3. Why did the Marines reject Lee the first time he tried to enlist?

He could not write well enough to fill out the application

Lee threatened the Marine recruiter with a knife

You need to be 17 to enlist in the Marines

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in understanding the Biographies of famous people. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

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Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Chronology of Oswald's life - Marquette University

Lee Harvey Oswald - Famous Texans

Lee Harvey Oswald - Spartacus Schoolnet, United Kingdom

Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia - Conspiracy theory

The Assassination Goes Hollywood - Refuting "facts" of Oliver Stone movie JFK

Biography Resources


(Notice: The School for Champions may earn commissions from book purchases)

The Missing Chapter: Lee Harvey Oswald in the Mideast

Top-rated books on Lee Harvey Oswald

Top-rated books on Kennedy Assassination

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Mini-Quiz: Strange Life of Lee Harvey Oswald: Childhood

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Winston Churchill

Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison

Lee Harvey Oswald

Nikola Tesla

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