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Mini-Quiz: Lessons Learned from Thomas Edison's Life

by Ron Kurtus (updated 19 January 2022)

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. Would Edison have been successful today?

Yes, because of his creativity and business-sense

No, because everything has been invented

Yes, because we need light bulbs

2. What work habit helped Edison excel?

He read many science fiction books for his ideas

He played baseball to relax between inventions

He kept meticulous notes on his projects

3. What negative trait did Edison have?

He slept all day and worked all night

He held a grudge and could be mean-spirited

He gave all his money to the poor people

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in understanding the Biographies of famous people. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

Edison was an amazing inventor

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Mini-Quiz: Lessons Learned from Thomas Edison's Life

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