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Character of Sales Staff Important to Success of Business

by Ron Kurtus (updated 19 January 2022)

A company's sales representatives are the face of the business to the customer. Since they represent the company, it is important that they have good character and provide a positive image.

Being honest, helpful, industrious, conscientious, and reliable are important character traits, as seen by the customer. But also, the salesperson must be hard working and determined to make sales for the company.

They must also show good character to other workers, as well as to fit in with the company culture and follow company policy.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Personal habits

Most sales representatives are hardworking, since part or all of their compensation is based on commissions. Also, they tend to like dealing with people. These are important character traits for the company.

Other important character traits concerning work are being conscientious and responsible.

Jim was one of the best salesman when dealing over the phone or in the office. However, when he went out for lunch with a client, he would often have two or three drinks. Sometimes, he would even make a fool of himself.

It is unsure how many sales were lost, due to this poor character trait.

Some sales representatives must entertain clients. Besides needing a good personality, the sales rep must also have a positive character trait of controlling use of alcohol. No one wants to buy from or sign a contract with a drunk salesman.

Dealing with others

A salesman who cheats or deceives a customer can gain an easy commission, but in the long run, that type of behavior results in problems for the salesperson, as well as for the company. Being honest and forthright are important in maintaining customer trust.

Being reliable means that the person is doing what he promised and when he promised it. It is an important trait, especially when dealing with customers.

A sales representative who act arrogant or insults a customer can results not only in lost business but in a poor reputation for the company.

Following company policy

Most companies document certain policies and rules they expect employees to adhere to. For example, if a company has a certain dress code that they expect their sales representatives to follow or if they have a rule against accepting gifts from clients, it is important that the salesman follow those rules.

Breaking company policy can result in a poor company image or even in legal problems.


Sales representatives should have good character traits and provide a positive image. Being honest, helpful, industrious, conscientious, and reliable are important character traits, as seen by the customer. But also, the salesperson must follow company policy.

Know how to sell yourself

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Character of Sales Staff Important to Success of Business

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