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Managing a Business Effectively

by Ron Kurtus (updated 19 January 2022)

In order for your business to grow, it must be managed effectively. This holds for small businesses, as well as large corporations.

Whether you are the owner, top or middle management or a supervisor, you need to perform the key functions of management. There are specialize skills needed to effectively manage, One important area is managing your time and that of your employees.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Key functions of management

Within any business, there are three levels of management. If you own a one-person business, you may fill all three levels, as well as being a worker.

Top or high-level management concentrates on the firm's long-run objectives. this involved planning for the future.

Middle management is responsible for intermediate and short-term decisions. They assist in organizing resources to achieve objectives.

Supervisory management is involved with employees who engage in the day-to-day work. These managers provide employees with instructions on how they should complete their tasks and then monitor and evaluate employee tasks.

Managerial skills needed

You need a special set of skills to be an effective manager. Often an advanced degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) is recommended.

Managers need conceptual skills to understand relationships among various tasks. They also need interpersonal skills in order to communicate with other employees and with customers.

Technical skills are needed to perform specific day-to-day tasks, depending on the type of business. For example, a manager should have accounting skills to develop financial statements. If the product line is electronic circuits, the manager should understand the technology involved.

Finally, decision-making skills are needed by managers at all levels to assess alternative choices on the allocation of the firm's resources.

How to manage time

Scheduling and time management are important aspects in managing. You need to set proper priorities in order to focus on the most important job responsibilities.

You should schedule long time intervals for large tasks in order to focus on them until the work is done. This includes your own work, as well as that of your subordinates. You want to minimize interruptions in order to allow everyone to complete their assignments.

Set short-term goals as a way to chip away at long-term projects. Instead of trying to do everything yourself, you need to effectively delegate tasks that employees can complete on their own. This not only reduces your load, but also increases their skills.


Small and large businesses must be managed effectively in order to grow. Whether you are the owner, top or middle management or a supervisor, you need to perform the key functions of management, including the specialize skills necessary to effectively manage, One important area is managing your time and that of your employees.

Plan for success

Resources and references

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Managing a Business Effectively

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