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Basics of Career Advancement

by Ron Kurtus (updated 17 December 2021)

There are several basic factors for advancing in your career. The very first requirement is simply finding a good job. The second factor is to do well in your job such that you get good performance evaluations and raises. Then by planning and establishing relationships within the company, you can get promotions and move up the ranks.

You may also start the process over again by getting a good job with another company at a higher position.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Getting a good job

You want to get a job where you enjoy the work, where you are good at what you do and that pays good money.

Getting an enjoyable job

If you really enjoy the work, you may compromise on the desire for good pay and take lower wages just to work in that field. Also, sometimes you may find a job that pays well but isn't exactly what you want. Again, you may need to compromise to get into the most suitable situation

Obviously, you don't want a job that you don't like but that pays well or a job where the pay is very poor but it looks like fun.

Keep your eyes open

You may not find the dream job the first time around. You can take an acceptable position and then keep your eyes open for a better position within the company or somewhere else.

Getting raises

Once you are working for a company, you can try to build a reputation as a good worker so that you will get good performance evaluations and raises.

Know the criteria

Find out the company culture and try to follow the rules. Make sure you satisfy the requests of the person who gives the performance evaluations.

Build a reputation

An adage for building a reputation as a good worker is that you should come in 15 minutes before starting time and leave 1/2 hour after quitting time. Workers who put in more time than that they actually get a reputation as someone who can handle the work that he has.

When raises are given

Typically, you will get a raise at the certain time of the year when workers are evaluated and raises are handled out. Occasionally, you might get a raise after doing an outstanding job on a project.

In some situations, you might need to actually ask for a raise. That can be risky, but it also may be needed. If some other company is seeking your services, you can use that for leverage.

Getting a promotion or new job

In order to get a promotion, you need to show that you are capable of doing higher-level work. Often it requires having someone in your corner, such as a mentor or supervisor who has taken you under his or her wing.

Plan career path

You really need to plan out your career path, what promotions you would like to get and how you will gain those promotions.

May require a change

Sometimes a promotion requires changing companies. You can look at the potential for opportunities within your own company and also look for options and other companies. It is always wise to be involved in the interest created which to work, such that you know what other companies are doing and also know people who are working in other companies in the same industry.

In either case, you move forward

Seeking a promotion within your company or looking at changing companies is really starting the process all over by seeking a job you like.


In order to advance in your career, you must first find a good job. Then you should do well in the job such that you get good performance evaluations and raises. By planning and establishing relationships within the company, you can get promotions and move up the ranks. You may also start the process over again by getting a good job with another company at a higher position.

Expand your horizons

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Basics of Career Advancement

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