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Results of Communication Survey Questions

by Ron Kurtus (2021)

Note: For a while, I had survey questions on the various topics. Answers were tabulated and placed in a database. That feature has been temporarily put on hold. However, you can still see the results of the survey.

Have you every been deeply in love? Yes: 504 (76%) No: 158 (23%) Total: 662
Do you look in the other person's eyes during conversation? Yes: 402 (75%) No: 133 (24%) Total: 535
Do you talk too much? Yes: 298 (50%) No: 296 (49%) Total: 594
Can you read another person's body language? Yes: 1006 (78%) No: 283 (21%) Total: 1289
Can you tell if another person is telling a lie? Yes: 256 (69%) No: 114 (30%) Total: 370
Is the "gift of gab" a sign of good communication ability? Yes: 194 (43%) No: 247 (56%) Total: 441

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Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Communication Resources


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Top-rated books on Animal Communication

Top-rated books on Interpersonal Communication

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Results of Communication Survey Questions

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