Results of Education Survey Questions
by Ron Kurtus (updated 4 February 20221)
Note: For a while I had survey questions on the various topics. Answers were tabulated and placed in a database. That feature has been temporarily put on hold. However, you can still see the results of the survey.
Are some students simply unteachable? | Yes: 993 (66%) | No: 499 (33%) | Total: 1492 |
Do teachers get too many vacation days? | Yes: 72 (31%) | No: 158 (68%) | Total: 230 |
Is home schooling acceptable for learning? | Yes: 165 (71%) | No: 66 (28%) | Total: 231 |
Is teaching a satisfying profession? | Yes: 112 (78%) | No: 31 (21%) | Total: 143 |
Should teachers turn in incompetent fellow teachers? | Yes: 95 (72%) | No: 36 (27%) | Total: 131 |
Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? | Yes: 221 (85%) | No: 36 (14%) | Total: 257 |
Is it the student's fault if he or she fails? | Yes: 134 (57%) | No: 100 (42%) | Total: 234 |
Does competition among students improve grades? | Yes: 129 (76%) | No: 40 (23%) | Total: 169 |
Should grades be eliminated in schools? | Yes: 108 (43%) | No: 138 (56%) | Total: 246 |
Is tenure a good idea in the education system? | Yes: 35 (41%) | No: 49 (58%) | Total: 84 |
Are teachers paid enough? | Yes: 33 (24%) | No: 103 (75%) | Total: 136 |
Do you work more than 40 hours a week? | Yes: 237 (53%) | No: 207 (46%) | Total: 444 |
Are the parents of your students involved enough? | Yes: 21 (32%) | No: 43 (67%) | Total: 64 |
Do universities emphasize research over education? | Yes: 120 (61%) | No: 76 (38%) | Total: 196 |
Do any of your past students come back to visit? | Yes: 51 (77%) | No: 15 (22%) | Total: 66 |
Should very slow students be mixed with normal students? | Yes: 320 (48%) | No: 340 (51%) | Total: 660 |
Should schools allow students to pray? | Yes: 115 (80%) | No: 28 (19%) | Total: 143 |
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Results of Education Survey Questions