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Getting Idea of Book to Write
by Ron Kurtus (updated 8 December 2022)
In order to get an idea of a book to write, you first need to be a person who likes to write, especially about an area of interest or expertise. Also, consider the subjects of books you like to read. Figure out what book you were meant to write and then give it a perspective that would make it unique.
Consider your writing passions. In fiction, you may like to read mystery novels or some other genre. This is a starting point for getting an idea or different twist.
Finally, write out your idea while it is still hot in your mind,
Questions you may have include:
- Where does the desire to write come in?
- How do you get an idea for fiction and nonfiction books?
- Why should you write down your ideas?
Idea from desire to write
Great ideas of a book to write usually come to those who love to write. Sometimes they can be spin-offs of other material you have written.
You might be inspired by some experience or event you have seen.
Consider your passions
Fiction writers are story-tellers. They love to tell stories and have a desire to examine how people think, act, and feel.
You want to write the book you would love to read.
If there is a type of fictional book you like to read, you might come up with an idea of something new or different in that genre.
You start by stating your idea by telling what your idea is about. For example:
Two people from different cultures fall in love and seek to get married despite their families' disapproval.
Ernest Hemingway was in WWI and lived in Paris after the war. He got an idea of writing about how ex-soldiers coped after the war.
A fiction idea usually concerns a problem that the main characters must overcome.
Write out idea
Once you have an idea of a book to write—or perhaps several ideas—write them out. This will make sure you don't forget the ideas, and it will help to clarify and solidify them.
Also, writing down your idea helps in deciding to write the book.
You first need to be a person who likes to write, especially about an area of interest or expertise. Figure out what book you were meant to write and then give it a perspective that would make it unique.
Consider your writing passions. In fiction, what do you like to read and what story do you want to tell? Finally, write out your idea while it is still hot in your mind,
The next step is to determine a target market for your book. For whom is the book intended?
Always be thinking of some new idea
Resources and references
Ideas for writing a book Writers' Workshop
Novel Writing Ideas: How to Get Them - Write-a-Book-Now.com
How to Find Great Writing Ideas - Writer's Digest
Finding Ideas for Your Writing - For Dummies
(Notice: The School for Champions may earn commissions from book purchases)
Top-rated books on Fiction Writing
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Getting Idea of Book to Write