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Using the Mouse Scroll Wheel with FrameMaker

by Ron Kurtus (revised 17 January 2014)

A major complaint of users of older versions of Adobe FrameMaker software is the fact that the mouse scroll wheel does not work on many computers. This inhibits the use of this application, which is supposed to be the industry standard for technical writing and creating large documents.

At one time there were several freeware mouse-driver applications that allow the scroll wheel to function in FrameMaker. Unfortunately, only one is presently available: KatMouse.

This application works well with FrameMaker version 7.0.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.


I downloaded KatMouse, which had been upgraded in 2007. The application works fine for me with the Vista operating system and FrameMaker 7.0.


KatMouse is free, but the author states that if you like it enough you can donate an amount of your discretion.


Download the file from:


The mouse scroll wheel does not work on many computers in FrameMaker. This inhibits the use of this application. KatMouse is a freeware mouse-driver application that allows the scroll wheel to function in FrameMaker 7.0.

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Tek-Tips FAQ - FrameMaker scroll wheel problem

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Using the Mouse Scroll Wheel with FrameMaker

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