Understanding History
by Ron Kurtus (updated 16 March 2023)
History is the study of past events. Often it includes anaysis to try to determine the reasons certain events happened, as well as patterns involved.
Lessons learned from historical events are important in politics, business and life itself. Historical lessons come from the successes and mistakes of people who were doing something. Recent history is often more relevant to today's world.
There is a need for people who have a sense of history and have learned from previous events, especially those that are relatively modern. Your knowledge and skills in this area can help advance your career or improve your business.
The purpose of these free online lessons is to give you a start at improving your history interpretation skills.
History Contents
Types of historical studies
Recent historical events
Lyrics of Song "School Days" Represent Teen Attitudes - 1957
Relationship Between John F. Kennedy and James Bond 007
Similarities Between the Assassinations of Kennedy and Lincoln
How Henry Kissinger Helped Start Acupuncture in the U.S. - 1971
"We Didn't Start the Fire" (Lyrics) History Summary from 1949-1989
"We Didn't Start the Fire" (Facts) History Summary from 1949-1989
History of United States' Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Presidential inaugural addresses
Harry S Truman's Inaugural Address
John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address
Ronald Reagan's First Inaugural Address