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Sample ISO 9000 Quality Policy Manual: Sec. 4.18 Training

by Ron Kurtus (updated 17 December 2022)

The following material is section 4.18 of a Quality Policy Manual, used to satisfy the ISO 9001 standard. This material follows the rationale approach to stating company policies and is intended as an example of this approach as well as a sample of a Quality Manual.

For other sections, refer to the Manual Table of Contents

4.18 Training

In our company, specific skills are required to perform each job. Also, new technologies and methods are constantly being introduced and used.


We believe it is important for employees to be properly trained to do their jobs in an ever-changing environment. This is to avoid the risk of having jobs done incorrectly or in an incomplete or obsolete manner.

We believe that effective training of our personnel will result in reduced costs by helping eliminate wasted effort and material. It will also ultimately result in increased business due to customer satisfaction from getting expected goods and services.


Thus, in order to keep our personnel properly trained for their jobs, it is the policy of this company to follow the ISO 9001 section 4.18 standard on Training and always identify the training needs and provide for the training of all personnel performing activities affecting quality.

(By training needs, we mean certified education and/or on-the-job training required for a specific job description. By activities affecting quality, we mean those job duties that affect the quality of the products we make and deliver. Every activity in our business affects quality.)

Personnel performing specific assigned tasks are qualified on the basis of appropriate education, training, and/or experience, as required.

It is our policy to maintain our Procedure 4.18 for identifying those training needs and for providing for that training. It is also our policy to maintain appropriate records of the training (see section 4.16).

Resources and references

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ISO Online - International Organization for Standardization website

ISO 9000 References and Resources


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Sample Quality Manual: 4.18 Training

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