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Mini-Quiz: Rolling Friction

by Ron Kurtus

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. Why doesn't a wheel simply slide when you push on it?

The wheel does slide unless you provide a torque on the axle

An automobile tire will slide if you push on the car

Static sliding friction prevents sliding and results in rolling

2. What is the main cause of rolling friction?

Elastic deformations of materials in contact

Static electricity can build up

The amount of force you push on the vehicle

3. Which has greater rolling friction, a steel train wheel or an automobile tire?

The train wheel, because it moves slower

The automobile tire, because rubber deforms more

Neither has rolling friction; instead they only have sliding friction

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in Physics. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

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Friction topics

Mini-Quiz: Rolling Friction

Friction topics


Sliding friction

Rolling friction

Fluid friction

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