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Mini-Quiz: Gravitational Escape Velocity

by Ron Kurtus (revised 23 January 2018)

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. Why is determining the escape velocity from the surface of the Earth invalid?

Gravity is much greater at the surface of the Earth

The object cannot instantaneously reach the escape velocity

It is valid if you set R = 0

2. How does the escape velocity change if you double the mass of the rocket?

The escape velocity doubles

The rocket is then unable to escape

Escape velocity is independent of the mass of the rocket

3. If a star had twice the mass of the Sun and twice the radius, how would its escape velocity at a given altitude compare?

The star's escape velocity would be twice as large

The escape velocities would be the same

The star's escape velocity would be half as large

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in Physics. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

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Resources and references

The following resources can be used for further study on the subject.

Web sites

What is escape velocity? - From PhysLink

Escape Velocity - From Wikipedia

Gravitation Resources


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Top-rated books on Escape Velocity and Space Travel

Questions and comments

Do you have any questions, comments, or opinions on this subject? If so, send an email with your feedback. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

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Gravitation topics

Mini-Quiz: Gravitational Escape Velocity

Gravity and Gravitation

Gravitation topics




Center of Mass

Orbital motion

Escape velocity


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