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Personal Property Security

by Ron Kurtus (updated 23 November 2022)

There are people with evil intentions who may want to steal or damage your personal property. You should be aware of this potential and take security measures inhibit such people from achieving their goals.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Reasons for attack

Knowing the motivations of the criminally-minded people who may attack you personally is important in preparing your defenses for such an attack.

There are people who want to break into a home, company or other building in order to steal or damage property. There are also some who simply want to damage property externally. This could also include people who would break into a web site to do some mischief.

The reason people do that are:

Personal gain

A person may break into a building in order to steal some property for his or her personal gain. Sometimes the person will steal something that is left out in view.

Revenge against someone

Sometimes a person will want to get revenge on another person. A way to do that could be by damaging or stealing property as an effort to hurt or harm another person emotionally or financially.

Promote a cause

There are people who want to promote a political or religious belief, or to advance some cause, who think a way to do that is to damage property owned by an opposing organization or individual. Sometimes they will steal to both harm others and to gain money for their cause.

Mindless thrills

There are people--often in their teens--who will damage or steal property for some mindless thrill.

Type of property harm

There are people who want to break into a home, company or other building in order to steal or damage property. There are also some who simply want to damage property externally. This could also include people who would break into a web site to do some mischief.

Money is also considered property and can be stolen.


Damage to property can be anything from the vandalism of graffiti, to breaking things, to completely destroying a building or vehicle.

Examples include:


Property or money can be stolen. In some cases, a building or company can be stolen through fraud.

Examples include:

Property security

You must be aware of the potential threat to your property and take measures to protect it from theft or damage.

The main objective in security is to anticipate the threat and to take measures to prevent the attack from happening or to quickly respond to the attack with counter-measures. For example, a burglar-alarm system won't prevent a building from being entered illegally, but it can initiate a quick response to the attack.

Some methods to secure property include:


Since there are evil people who may want to steal or damage your property, you should be aware of this potential and take security measures inhibit them from achieving their goals.

Be of good character

Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Security Resources


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Top-rated books on Security

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Personal Property Security

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