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Purpose of Security Lessons

by Ron Kurtus (updated 23 November 2022)

Companies are often under the threat from criminal elements who want to steal or damage the company's property, data, or ability to do business.

Likewise, individuals are under the threat of thugs who want to harm them or their family, as well as to steal or cause damage to their property. Countries are under the threat of foreign agents or other countries causing harm.

Thus, it is necessary to know how to protect yourself and your assets from these criminals. The purpose of these security lessons to to give you an understanding of the basics of security and its issues.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Company security

Companies need to prevent unauthorized people from entering their facilities, since such people may do damage or steal from the company.

Companies also need to keep certain information safe from thieves and spies. Not only must data be locked in safe places, but there also must be security to prevent access through computers.

If the company does e-commerce or online transactions, the Internet connections must be secure and usually encrypted.

If you are concerned about security in your company, it is worthwhile to learn basic security principles.

Personal security

You need to protect your personal property from people who will steal or damage it. you also need to protect yourself from attack, as well as your family.

Your computer should be protected from viruses that will compromise your use or data.

If you are concerned about your personal security, it is worthwhile to learn basic security principles.

National security

Countries often can come under attack from spies, secret agents, terrorists, or armed forces from other countries. Officials need to provide protections from attacks, as well as the ability to counter-attack.

If you are concerned about security in your nation, it is worthwhile to learn basic security principles.


Companies, individuals, and nations are all under the threat of criminal elements who want to cause harm or damage. It is necessary to know how to protect these elements. The purpose of these security lessons to to give you an understanding of the basics of security and its issues.

Know the principles

Resources and references

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Security Resources


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Security topics

Purpose of Security Lessons

Security topics

Basics of security

Personal security

Personal property security

Business property security

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