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SQL Resources

by Ron Kurtus (updated 23 April 2022)

The following material consists of resources on using SQL.

Use these resources to help your understanding of the material.


A Beginner’s Guide to SQL - Leads into full SQL courses - From Udemy

Introduction to Oracle SQL Course - Videos, links, and information on SQL

Learn SQL Basics - From Data.World

SQL Cheat Sheet - Structured Query Language Guide

Coding & Programming Courses


SQL Tutorial for Beginners - From Guru99

List of Basic SQL Tutorials - From

SQL Tutorial for Data Analysis - From Mode Analytics

SQL Overview - SQL tutorials - After-Hours Programming

SQL Tutorial - SQL Query Reference -

SQL Tutorial -

Introductory SQL tutorial -

SQL for Beginners Tutorial - From

Commands and clauses

SQL Commands - Explanation of major SQL commands

SQLClauses - Explanation of various SQL clauses

SQL Cheatsheet - PDF from SQLClauses

SQL database resources -

SQL server

How to Tune Microsoft SQL Server for Performance - From Topal software development

Troubleshooting SQL Server Wait Stats - From

SQL jobs

SQL Interview Questions - Preparing for SQL job interview


Top-rated books on Using SQL

Top-rated books on MySQL



If you have other good resources, websites and books on SQL, let me know.

Learn as much as you can

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