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Results of SQL Survey Questions
by Ron Kurtus (updated 9 February 2022)
Note: For a while, I had survey questions on the various topics. Answers were tabulated and placed in a database. That feature has been temporarily put on hold. However, you can still see the results of the survey.
Is SQL too complicated to understand? | Yes: 34 (37%) | No: 56 (62%) | Total: 90 |
Do you use SQL with Coldfusion applications? | Yes: 24 (35%) | No: 43 (64%) | Total: 67 |
Do you use SQL with PHP applications? | Yes: 18 (30%) | No: 42 (70%) | Total: 60 |
Are you using a MySQL database? | Yes: 36 (40%) | No: 52 (59%) | Total: 88 |
Is MySQL better than Microsoft SQL Server? | Yes: 43 (47%) | No: 48 (52%) | Total: 91 |
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Results of SQL Survey Questions