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Technical Documentation Resources

by Ron Kurtus (updated 9 February 2022)

The following material consists of useful resources for technical writers.

Technical writing sites

  • General
  • Usability
  • Online help
  • Writing organizations
  • Writing reference

Documentation tools

  • Writing
  • Illustration
  • Online Help
  • Web development
  • Miscellaneous

Reference books

  • User interface
  • Online Help
  • Illustration
  • FrameMaker
  • Web design
  • Indexing
  • Miscellaneous

Use these resources to help your understanding of the material.

Technical writing sites

The following sites provide information about writing.

Writer's Write on Technical Writing - Reference site with links and tips

How to Visualize Your Research

Writing organizations

Society for Technical Communications (STC) - Information for writers and technical communicators in the US

Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) - UK technical writing organization

Software Contractor's Guild - Information for those involved in software development and writing for developers

American Society for Indexing - Organization for writers specializing in indexing issues

Writing reference

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - Online version of Bartlett's classic book

The Elements of Style - Online version of Strunk's classic book, with good look-up to various rules of grammar and punctuation

Grammar Infographics - Graphical grammar information

Documentation tools

Specialized tools are often used in technical communication. The following lists commonly required tools and links to their company sites, where you can get an overview of the product features:


Adobe FrameMaker - Industry standard for writing long manuals


Adobe Illustrator - Industry standard vector graphics creation software for print and the Web

Adobe Photoshop - Top image editing application

Reference books

I love books and use many as resources. The following list contains a variety of books for the technical writer. These books are linked to, if you are interested in online purchasing.

General technical writing

Elements of Technical Writing by Robert Bly and Gary Blake, Pearson Higher Education, 2000 ($9.95) - Concise treatment in style, rules and principles of technical communication. Short, easy-to-use book outlines the major principles of technical writing.

Writing Software Documentation: A Task-Oriented Approach by Thomas Barker, Allyn & Bacon, 1997 ($48.00) - How to create documents that help software users learn program features with instructions that covers the documentation development process.

Standards for Online Communication by Joann Hackos and Dawn Stevens, John Wiley & Sons, 1997 ($43.99) - Guidelines for how to place information online within a company. Provides both a design and development process.

User interface

The Art of Human Computer Interface Design by Brenda Laurel, Addison-Wesley Publishers, 1990 ($31.96) - A range of opinions and experiences on interface design. May be somewhat dated.

Designing the User Interface by Ben Shneiderman, Addison-Wesley Publishers, 1997 ($60.00) - Practical techniques and guidelines for interface design. Highly rated, but an academic approach to usability.

Online help

Designing and Writing On-Line Documentation by William Horton, Wiley & Sons, 1994 ($29.95) - I have this very good book. Gives an overview of most online topics and is a comprehensive resource.

RoboHelp 7 for Dummies by Jim Meade, IDG Books, 1999 ($19.99) - Beginner's book RoboHelp with examples on enclosed CD-ROM.

RoboHELP 2000 Bible by John Hedtke and Elizabeth Knottingham, Hungry Minds, Inc., 2000 ($35.99) - Extensive resource on using RoboHelp 2000, including strategies for chunking information and presenting it effectively, showing how the RoboHELP environment fits with the larger goal of communicating facts.

The Official Microsoft HTML Help Authoring Kit by Steve Wexler, Microsoft Press, 1998 ($31.99) - Basic approach to Microsoft's HTML Help, explaining how to use and migrate to that form of Help.


Learning Adobe FrameMaker Macmillan Computer Pub. 1996 ($48.00) - Comprehensive tutorial, but lacks advanced material.

Classroom in a Book - Adobe FrameMaker 5.5 Adobe Press 1997 ($36.00) - Good introduction to FrameMaker; well-done and well-organized.

Adobe FrameMaker 6.0 Classroom in a Bookby Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Press, 2000 ($45.00) - A book/CD-ROM package of 17 lessons covering basics of Adobe FrameMaker.

FrameMaker 5.5.6 For Dummiesby Sarah O'Keefe and John Warnock, Hungry Minds, Inc, 1999 ($19.99) - Simple explanation of basics of FrameMaker. A good starting point.


Illustrating Computer Documentation by William Horton, Wiley & Sons, 1991 ($39.95) - Conceptual guide on using visual communication for illustrating technical information.

Web design

The Web Page Design Cookbook by William Horton, Lee Taylor, Arthur Igiiacio and Nancy Hoft, Wiley & Sons, 1995 ($34.95) - I have this book which is a good overview of web design and includes a CD-ROM with templates. Although it is someone outdated, it still has value to newcomers.

Designing Web-Based Trainingby William Horton, John Wiley & Sons, 2000 ($39.99) - Guide shows designing, setting-up, and managing an WBT site.


The Art of Indexing by Larry Bonura, John Wiley & Sons, 1994 ($31.99) - Short lessons on each step of the indexing process, including how to estimate indexing time and indexing for on-line documents.


Word Up! How to Write Powerful Sentences and Paragraphs (And Everything You Build from Them) by Marcia Riefer Johnston

How to Export Information about High Technology by Nancy Hoft, Wiley & Sons, 1995 ($29.95) - Principles and practices for effective international technical communication.

Managing Your Documentation Projects by JoAnn T. Hackos, Wiley & Sons, 1995 ($39.99) - Excellent project management techniques for large documentation projects. Exhaustive management resource.

The Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, Microsoft Press, 1998 ($29.95) - Essential resource as a style guide.



Use these resources to help you improve your skills in technical communication.

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