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Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Rules

by Ron Kurtus (updated 21 December 2022)

There are three specific types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) rules.

A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) rule is a statement that defines the style of one or more elements in your web page.

A CSS rule consists of a selector and declaration and holds for all instances of an element. You can create a CSS class that provides an exception to a stated rule. You can also create a CSS ID, which is an exception that applies to only one element, one time in a page.

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Element rule

A CSS rule defines styles to elements of all web pages using the style-sheet, including the <body> of your pages and HTML tags such as <h1>, <p>, and <ul>. These elements are called selectors.

Rule format or syntax

A rule consists of a selector and a declaration that is surrounded by curly parenthese:

selector {declaration}

The declaration contains the property of the selectorand the value of the property. The property always is followed by a colon ( : ) and each value ends in a semicolon ( ; ).

selector {property: value;}

For example:

h1 {font-weight: bold;}


Declaration block

More than one declaration can be stated for a given selector, resulting in a declaration block:

h1 {font-weight: bold; color: green;}

For easier reading and editing, rules are often written in the form:

h1 {
font-weight: bold;
color: green;

Multiple selectors

You can include multiple selectors in a rule, if the properties are all the same:

h1, h2, h3 {
font-weight: bold;
color: green;

Since the size is not mentioned in this example, the default web browser size displays.

Class rule

A CSS class rule is a style that can be used as an exception or addition to a stated rule. It can be used many times within a web page. The definition of a class is the same as a standard rule except that the selector is preceded by a period ( . ). For example in your CSS file, you can define:

.newcolor {color: red;}

To apply the class to an element that has a rule defined for it, you include a class statement in your HTML code. Although you may have defined the color of <h1> and <p> in your CSS rules, you can assign the CSS class to them in various places in your HTML document:

<h2 class = "newcolor">Special case</h2>

<p class = "newcolor">Another case</p>

Note that the application of CSS class follows the configuration as standard HTML definitions. The advantage of using a CSS class is that you can change the parameters in the CSS file for it to apply to all HTML files.

CSS ID rule

A CSS ID rule is a style exception similar to the class rule, except that it can be used only once in a web page. It is preceded by a hash tag (#). An example of an ID rule is:

#right_col {width: 300px;}

Also, an HTML tag can be include with the ID rule:

#right_col p{font-size: 87%;}

In this case, the text within the right column would be 87% of the default or previously stated font size.

Then, in your HTML code, the right_col ID is included in a <div>:

<div id="right_col"> ... </div>

Within the right column, the size of all <p> would be 87% default size.

Another example is:

#author {font-style: italic; text-align: center;}

Then, in your HTML code, you include a class statement for the specific case:

<p id = "author">Ron Kurtus</p>

Note: To some degree I wonder if it is worth the trouble for a simple style as this. It might be easier to center the <p> tag and add <i> to italicize. However, I guess there are situations where it would the route to take.


A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) rule is a statement that defines the style of web page elements. It consists of a selector and declaration block and holds for all instances of an element. Exceptions to the rule include the CSS class and CSS ID.

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Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Rules

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