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Writing by Dictation

by Ron Kurtus (updated 25 June 2023)

Writers have different thinking styles that can determine the most effective way for them to record their thoughts. A writer who is very good at verbalizing may consider using dictation as a method to write. Recent advances in speech-to-text software makes this a viable choice.

Fiction writing seems the most suitable to the writing by diction method. There are advantages and disadvantages in this method.

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Thinking styles affect writing

People have different ways of thinking and expressing their thoughts. Some can easily visualize what they want to say and put those pictures into words on paper, while others who think in terms of sounds and can easily explain their ideas verbally. There are some people who are extreme in only one style of thinking. Most of us work in both modes but have a preference of one over the other.

Visual thinkers

If you can visualize what you want to say, you are probably best at expressing your thoughts on a word processor or by writing in longhand. Some visual thinkers also think in a very organized manner. They may prefer to work with outlining word processors to document (and organize) their thoughts.

It may be difficult for a visual thinker to write by dictation, although it is worth a try.

Auditory thinkers

If you often think in terms of sounds you are called an auditory thinker. You can explain your ideas verbally but struggle to put those thoughts on paper. If you prefer to work in this mode, dictation methods may be a solution for material written.

Dictation methods

Methods to use dictation to put your thoughts on paper include using a typist to transcribe your dictation and using speech-to-text software.

Using a digital recorder

You can dictate your thoughts or even your book into a digital recorder and then have the material transcribed into a word processor document. You can hire a professional transcriber or do the job yourself with various software applications.

Earle Stanley Gardner

Writer Earle Stanley Gardner, who originated and wrote the Perry Mason series of books, dictated a major portion of his material. The story goes to that Gardner originally wrote his stories on a manual typewriter until his fingers bled. Seeking a better method, he turned to dictating the stories into a tape recorder and having secretaries transcribe the material into print. At one time he had nine secretaries transcribing at one time. He was a very prolific writer.

Using speech-to-text software

The modern method is to use speech recognition or speech-to-text software that allows a you to dictate directly into a microphone that is attached to your computer. The material is then automatically translated into text in a word processor. It is done with reasonable accuracy, and if something doesn't look right, you can easily delete it with a verbal command and correct it or start over.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Nuance's Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the top speech recognition application. They have versions ranging from Standard to Professional, depending on the features needed. You can buy Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Standard for about $42. They claim a 99% accuracy rate.

Can use digital recorder

You can also use certain digital recorders to express your thoughts and then convert your recording into text automatically at a later time. In such a case, you need

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 - Available from for about $98

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred to transcribe audio from a digital recorder in speech-to-text. The program accepts MP3 and WMA audio files.

Once your dictation file is on your hard drive, you select it from Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and the program transcribes your story material in Word or other word processor. The software even has a playback feature that will read your text back to you.

Free online dictation applications

There are free online dictation applications that perform almost as good as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, except without many of the "bells and whistles" used in Dragon

Voice Notepad is a free Google online dictation application. It is easy to use, but it does require that you use the Chrome browser.

SpeechNotes is another free online dictation application that is easy to use.

Pros and cons of dictation

There are advantages and disadvantages to using dictation methods to create and write material.


One advantage of dictating your thoughts is that it speeds up the writing process. Also, if you think verbally, you may lose good thoughts during the slow typing process. Another advantage of dictation is that it is a good to way to input written notes, taken at a meeting, lecture or seminar.

Seems best with fiction

Writing fiction is especially suitable to dictation. Writing a screenplay would be also work well with dictation. When writing fiction, TV or screenplays, dictation can be used to act out the roles of your characters during the writing process.

One reason that fiction may be especially suitable to dictation is the fact that often the creative process is more free-association. Fiction is not as structured as technical writing, which is often easily outlined with numbered steps. Another factor is that the writer can often get "into character" and create conversations during the dictation process.


One disadvantage of dictation is that it can be cumbersome and takes some practice. Dictation software is fairly accurate, but you still need to be aware of errors or incorrect words. Also, you can often organize your thoughts better when writing or typing. Verbal communication is linear, where writing allows you to skip around.

Another drawback to dictation is that most people think visually, rather than completely verbally.


Dictation software is a great tool to enhance your writing. Some people can be highly creative through dictation, while others may struggle with it. Experiment to see how you best perform with the use of this technique of writing.

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Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home 13 - Available from for about $42

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 - Available from for about $98


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